Yaacov Kaufman

He lived in Poland until 1957, then immigrated to Israel. Graduated at The Bat-Yam Institute of Art, Sculpture department, he becomes a lecturer of Industrial Design at the Bezalel Academy of Art and Design, Jerusalem. He realized projects in collaboration with Tecno, arflex, Lumina Italiana, Seccose, Porro, Edizioni Galleria Colombari and others. 
In 1989 he won the Sandberg Prize for Israeli Art at the Israel Museum, for the research and development in the industrial design.
International Design Prizes: 1989 - Kai World Scissors and Shears Design Competition, Japan, judged special award. 1997 - Wood of Finland competition, Honourable Mention, Finland. Some of his projects are displayed in international  exhibitions such as: Neste Group exhibition in Design Center, London and ICSID Amsterdam; Forum Design 1988, Milan; Design et Mutations Technique du Meubles Italien, Paris; Sitz-Avantguarde, Nordrhein Westfalen; Forma & Funzione, London.
Projects in museums’ collections: Israel Museum, Jerusalem; The Design Museum, London. 
In 1987 he published a book “Chair” issued by Bezalel Academy for Art & Design. 
He works also for international patents: a number of patents concerning motion structures applied for arm-lamps, furniture and exposition design; ergonomic sittings; design oriented technologies such as composite wooden surfaces and others.

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