1 - Cookies types
1.1. The website www.arflex.it uses cookies that have the function of making the user's browsing experience easier and more intuitive: cookies are small text files created in order to provide a way for the website to store, to recognize and to keep track of user’s information and preferences or information about device used to browsing. Cookies are used to ensure that a personalized browsing experience is offered, by storing the previously user’s choices and by adapting the website's operation to its expectations.
1.2. A cookie is of a small data set transferred by a Web server to the user's browser and it can only be read by the server that made the transfer. This is not executable code and does not transmit viruses.
1.3. Cookies may record personal information and any data which permits the identification of the person concerned may be stored. The user can prevent the back-up of some or of all cookies during the first access to the website, by connecting to the page for revoking or modifying the consent previously provided https://www.arflex.it/intl/en/cookies.
1.4. In the following articles are described the website’s types of cookies, listed on the page for the revocation or modification of the consent previously provided (https://www.arflex.it/intl/en/cookies,) in which users can examinate in detail the functions and characteristics (e.g. data storage time) of each of them.
2 - Technical Cookies
2.1. Technical cookies allow website’s browsing and facilitate the user's access and the user’s safe enjoyment of the website. Technical cookies are necessary for the transmission of communications on an electronic network or for the supplier in order to provide the service required by the customer.
2.2. The settings to manage or disable cookies may vary depending on the browser used by the user. The user, however, can manage or require the general disabling or deletion of cookies by modifying the settings of its browser or by connecting to the page for revocation or change of consent previously provided https://www.arflex.it/intl/en/cookies.. Disabling or deleting cookies may slow down or prevent access to certain parts of the website.
2.3. Cookies included in the browser and retransmitted through the Google Analytics Service (collected by the will of the website’s owner in a totally anonymous form) or others with similar functions are to be considered technical when used for the purpose of optimizing the website directly from the owner; in this
case can be collected only information in aggregate and anonymous form on the number of users and on how they visit the website. Under these conditions, the same rules provided for technical cookies are valid for analytics cookies, in terms of cookies policy and consent.
2.4. With regard to the duration, two types of cookies can be distinguished: temporary cookies that automatically get erased at the end of the browsing session and that are used to identify the user, in order to avoid the login for every page visited; permanent cookies that remain in use in the browser choosen by
the user until the default deadline (by the third party that provides the cookie or by the website’s owner) or the deletion by the user.
2.5. The website may install in the browser choosen by the user session cookies, which allow the user access and its stay in the website’s reserved area as a logged user.
2.6. For the list and the detailed description of technical cookies used by the website’s owner, please refer to the list, updated monthly, available on the page for revocation or modification of the consent previously provided https://www.arflex.it/intl/en/cookies
Name | Description | Validity: |
“.fearflexauth” | Necessary for user authentication | Session cookie |
"__RequestVerificationToken" | Necessary for form security | Session cookie |
“ckss” | Essential for acceptance of cookie policy | Persistent cookie |
“ckpr” | Essential for acceptance of cookie policy | Persistent cookie |
"wl" | Essential for acceptance of cookie policy | Persistent cookie |
3 - Third parties Cookies
3.1. According to their origin, cookies are distinguished from those directly sent to the browser choosen by the user from the website visited and those set up by third parties.
3.2. The majority of third-parties cookies consist of tracking cookies used to identify the user's online behavior, understand their interests, and therefore customize their advertising proposals directed to them.
3.3. Analytical third-parties cookies may be installed: they are used to detect information about the behavior of website’s users on the website. The detection takes place anonymously, in order to monitor the performance and improve the usability of the website, referred to in the previous art. 2.3.
3.4. The use of these cookies is regulated by the regulations prepared by the third parties, therefore, users are encouraged to have sight of the privacy policy and the cookies policy published in their Web pages.
3.5. For the list and the detailed description of third parties cookies used by the website’s owner, please refer to the list, updated monthly, available on the page for revocation or modification of the consent previously provided https://www.arflex.it/intl/en/cookies.
Name | Description | Validity: |
Google Analytics | cookie analitici: _ga, _gat, _gid _ga _gtag. | Established by third parties (disability) |
"CountryId" | Used for user geolocalization | 1 day |
4 - Profiling Cookies
4.1. Profiling cookies aim to create user’s profiles that are subsequently used to send advertising messages in accordance with the preferences expressed by the user during network browsing.
4.2. In the case of use of this type of cookies by the owner, the user shall give an explicit consent.
4.3. Article 22 of Reg. (EU) 2016/679 and Article 122 of D.Lgs. n. 196/2003 (Italian privacy code) will be applied.
4.4. The website’s owner does not use profiling cookies.
5 - Social network plug-in
This site also incorporates plug-ins and/or buttons for social networks, in order to allow an easy sharing of the contents on your favourite social networks. These plug-ins are programmed so as not to set any cookie when accessing the page, to safeguard Users' privacy. If necessary, cookies are set, if so provided by social networks, only when the User makes actual and voluntary use of the plug-in. It should be remembered that if the User browses while being logged into the social network, then he has already consented to the use of the cookies conveyed through this Site at the moment of the registration on the social network.
The collection and use of information obtained through the plug-in are governed by the respective privacy policies of the social networks, to which please refer.
- Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/help/cookies/
- Instagram - https://help.instagram.com/402411646841720
- Pinterest - https://policy.pinterest.com/en/privacy-policy
- Twitter - https://twitter.com/en/privacy
- Linkedin - https://www.linkedin.com/legal/privacy-policy?trk=homepage-basic_footer-privacy-policy
- Archello - https://archello.com/page/privacy-statement.
6 - Support in the configuration of the browser used by the user
5.1. The user can also manage cookies through the settings of the browser used. By deleting cookies from the browser used, the user could remove the preferences that has set for the website or suffer slowdowns, problems or inability to access to some services.
5.2. To receive more information and get support please visit the specific page on the main available browsers:
- Internet Explorer and Edge:https://support.microsoft.com/it-it/help/17442/windows-internetexplorer-delete-manage-cookies
- Firefox:https://support.mozilla.org/it/kb/Attivare%20e%20disattivare%20i%20cookie
- Safari:https://support.apple.com/it-it/HT201265
- Chrome:https://support.google.com/accounts/answer/61416?hl=it
7 - Exercise of the right of the concerned ones
At any time, the User can make a request for clarification and exercise the rights regarding the protection of personal data (for example, of rectification, cancellation, access, as well as, more generally, exercise of all the rights that are recognized by the current legal provisions), listed in detail in the privacy policy, by directly contacting the Data Controller.