arflex-9000-novemila-sofa-curved-modular-seatsytem-armchair-pouf-design-Tito-Agnoli- isleunit-fabric-living-hospitality-project-luxury-quilted-twoseats-threeseats-madeinitaly- removablecover-modern-contemporary
arflex-9000-novemila-sofa-curved-modular-seatsytem-armchair-pouf-design-Tito-Agnoli- isleunit-fabric-living-hospitality-project-luxury-quilted-twoseats-threeseats-madeinitaly- removablecover-modern-contemporary
arflex-9000-novemila-sofa-curved-modular-seatsytem-armchair-pouf-design-Tito-Agnoli- isleunit-fabric-living-hospitality-project-luxury-quilted-twoseats-threeseats-madeinitaly- removablecover-modern-contemporary
arflex-9000-novemila-sofa-curved-modular-seatsytem-armchair-pouf-design-Tito-Agnoli- isleunit-fabric-living-hospitality-project-luxury-quilted-twoseats-threeseats-madeinitaly- removablecover-modern-contemporary
arflex-9000-novemila-sofa-curved-modular-seatsytem-armchair-pouf-design-Tito-Agnoli- isleunit-fabric-living-hospitality-project-luxury-quilted-twoseats-threeseats-madeinitaly- removablecover-modern-contemporary



由...设计 Tito Agnoli 1969

A compact, rounded seating system that allows creation of many configurations. Modern design, adapt to both domestic and hospitality spaces.

9000 armchair

由...设计 Tito Agnoli 1969

Sigmund - 120 x 49

由...设计 Studio Asaï 2019


Sigmund - 47 x 36

由...设计 Studio Asaï 2019


9000 armchair

由...设计 Tito Agnoli 1969

Alba - Ceiling fixing version

由...设计 Bernhardt & Vella 2018

Alba是用于展示和收纳的书柜,具有出色的组合多功能性。 架子,由于用单个销钉固定,因此可以制作圆形作品。

Tokio - Small table 120

由...设计 Claesson Koivisto Rune 2022

9000 armchair

由...设计 Tito Agnoli 1969

Arcolor 50

由...设计 Jaime Hayon 2017



由...设计 Claesson Koivisto Rune 2018


Tokio - Open storage module

由...设计 Claesson Koivisto Rune 2022

9000 armchair

由...设计 Tito Agnoli 1969


Tito Agnoli

Tito Agnoli was born into an Italian family, in Lima, Peru, in 1931. He came to Italy after the war. Trained as a painter (having studied with Sironi), in 1949 he enrolled in the Faculty of Architecture, where he graduated in 1959 and was assistant to Gio Ponti and to Carlo De Carli. However, even in the early Fifties, he was already carrying out an intense professional activity in the field of design where 
he can boast cooperation with  prestigious companies of italian market. Several times recommended for the Compasso d'Oro (Golden Compass) Award, in 1986 he won the gold medal at the Neocon in Chicago. Some of his pieces are kept in the permanent collection of the MoMa in New York.


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