Small table 45
Small table 75

Strips system

由...设计 Cini Boeri 1968

在20世纪60年代末,建筑师Cini Boeri用他的作品彻底改变了家具行业,现在它仍然是常青树:可组合沙发。


由...设计 Erberto Carboni 1954

Erberto Carboni的Delfino扶手椅是所谓的“有机”家具系列的重要示例,该系列于1950年代开发并从自然形态中汲取了灵感。

Match - small table

由...设计 Bernhardt & Vella 2015


Scalea - 45

由...设计 Bernhardt & Vella 2022

With a design entirely inspired by its material, its thin round top is contrasted by a sculptural scaled base - an intentional and marked design...

Scalea - 45

由...设计 Bernhardt & Vella 2022

With a design entirely inspired by its material, its thin round top is contrasted by a sculptural scaled base - an intentional and marked design...

Tokio - Module with shelf

由...设计 Claesson Koivisto Rune 2022

Strips system

由...设计 Cini Boeri 1968

在20世纪60年代末,建筑师Cini Boeri用他的作品彻底改变了家具行业,现在它仍然是常青树:可组合沙发。


Bernhardt & Vella

Ellen Bernhardt, born in Germany and Paola Vella, born in Assisi, Italy, both move to Milan in 2001. They meet at a design studio in Milan and start their collaboration based on affinity and a common vision of design, developed during their individual international working experiences.  Design is understood as an individual interface, which can tell in a simple and clear way the project and at the same time convey emotion and poetry. Since 2008 they collaborate with important furniture companies, developing products and acting as artistic directors.


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