Bobo - New 2024

由...设计 Cini Boeri 1967

Delta Vienna

由...设计 Claesson Koivisto Rune 2022

Tablet 50

由...设计 Claesson Koivisto Rune 2010


Bobo - New 2024

由...设计 Cini Boeri 1967

Arcolor 30

由...设计 Jaime Hayon 2017


Bobo - New 2024

由...设计 Cini Boeri 1967

Tablet 50

由...设计 Claesson Koivisto Rune 2010


Bobo - New 2024

由...设计 Cini Boeri 1967

Delta Vienna

由...设计 Claesson Koivisto Rune 2022

Marenco armchair

由...设计 Mario Marenco 1970


Tablet 50

由...设计 Claesson Koivisto Rune 2010



Cini Boeri

She got her degree at Politecnico in Milan in 1951 and started her independent professional activity in 1963 (after a period of collaboration with Marco Zanuso), working in architecture and design fields. She designed houses, apartments and shops, both in Italy and abroad, paying particular attention to the study of the functionality of the space in smaller houses and to the psychological relationships between man and environment. In the area of industrial design, she concerned herself with furnishing elements and components for the building trade.
Different examples of her achievements can be found in museums and international exhibitions and she awarded many prizes, among which, in 1979, a Compasso d’Oro. She lectured at the Architecture faculty of Politecnico in Milan and conferences in the universities of various cities in the world. She published, among others, “The human sizes of house” (Milan, 1980).


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